Deacon's Ministry

Mission statement

"Men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom; They are also to be grave, not doubletongued, not given too much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre " Acts 1-6 & 1st Timothy 3:8-12

Declaring ourselves as duly elected deacons of the Mount Nebo Baptist Church, our firm commitment is to work toward the attainment of maturity in the fulfillment of our assigned ministry. We see ourselves as servants of Jesus Christ and lay assistance to the Pastor. Our efforts will be for general welfare and spiritual well-being of the Mount Nebo Baptist Church. We promise to never become a hinderance to the pastor or to see ourselves as his superviosros but we are chosen to pray for Him and with him and to be deacons who uphold the Pastor's Arms. 


Our Purpose

Our duties include responsibility for the temporal affairs of the church, the pastoral care and counseling of the sick and needy members and working with the pastor in implementing the general work of the church in both its material and spiritual areas.